Thursday 18 September 2014

Year 13 - Continuing Music Videos

Last year you started thinking about music videos and the music industry for your A2 coursework.  You should have looked at both Kylie and Avril to get an idea of how an artist represents themselves through their videos. We also covered Goodwin's theory and you have written a blog posts exploring examples linked to the theory. By now you should have completed all the initial tasks from last year and blogged them.

Over the last two weeks we have focused more closely on aspects of the music industry for example, audience, institution and representation. I expect to see blog posts covering these aspects in general as well as developing the concepts in relation to your own planning.

We have now reached a point where you are ready to complete your analysis tasks and then research, plan and prepare your music videos. Remember to use the G324 booklet and the epic task list with deadline reminders (posted below) to keep you on track.

Good luck!

Introduction to AS Media

The first two weeks of the year 12 Media course has, so far, been a bit of a whistle-stop tour through shot types, editing techniques and almost everything you need to know to set up and film a sequence of your own.

A lot of this has been revision for some of you and, for the rest, nothing you haven't already experienced through your consumption of moving image. 

The whole purpose of this is to get you thinking about not only how the camera is used, but how you might use it in your own productions. You will be completing a preliminary film task as early as next week which will demonstrate your understanding of camera movement and editing techniques.

To begin with I asked you all to complete a questionnaire and write a media profile for yourselves using your answers. I also requested a visual representation of the same information. I haven't had a chance to write my own media profile but I have done an example of the collage;

The following PowerPoints are the ones we looked at in the lessons;

5 film language continuity editing from Charlotte Cowles

I would like you to have uploaded all work so far to your blogs by the end of next week. That includes the tasks I set for this week and your photography task. The photography task includes the shots you took and your evaluations as well as your comments and feedback on three of someone else's shots as well as the list of shot types and examples. You can upload PowerPoints to Slideshare and embed them to get them on your blog.

Moderation Sample for 2017-18

Dear Moderator, Please find blog links to individual candidates for entry June 2018, on the right hand side of the page. Each link will ...